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Plan features


No health questions

All coverage is guaranteed at initial eligibility, qualified family status changes and annual enrollment.

Take your coverage with you

If you leave your employer, you may be eligible to continue coverage until age 70 by paying premiums directly to Securian Financial (subject to policy’s terms).

Multiple payout

More than one benefit payment may be payable for a single covered accident.

Benefit amount

Dependents receive the same benefit amounts as employees.

How does it work?

Here’s an example of how Securian Financial’s accident insurance works*

Janet elects coverage offered by her employer.  Janet slips off a stair and takes a tumble.  She breaks her lower leg and, though doesn’t need surgery spends two days in the hospital.  Janet gets a payment from Securian Financial and uses the money to pay her mortgage and obtain a cleaning service.

*Your actual experience may vary from example